Cementitious waterproofing products with additional two-component polymer compounds, film format scanner capable of forming highly elastic after drying, used to protect concrete surfaces and masonry from intrusion and destruction of water and moisture.
- Wall
- Living room
- Office, Working place
- Rooftop

Tile gouts containing fine sand Keracolor SF is made from a mixture of cement, fine sand, special additives, colored pigment and polymer synthesis.
- Floor
- Wall

Tile adhesives products packaged cement, mixed with water used to make up the tiling grout ceramic tile, porcelain tile, stone small sized indoor areas, commercial areas under light loads. Products are classified according to TCVN 7899-1: 2008 and ISO 13007-1: 2005.
- Floor
- Wall

Ready-mixed tile adhesives with inputs are carefully selected. This product is designed for use with liquid latex LATICRETE® 4237 to create tiling mortar with high adhesion and superior features. The features of the product are met and exceeded the required criteria of the standard ...
- Floor
- Wall