
Argelith is manufactured in Germany and is the world's No. 1 brand of bricks that resist acids, alkalis and corrosive chemicals. The product has a durability of up to 25 years and comes with a 10-year warranty from the manufacturer.
- Kitchen

ARDEX EG15 là một loại keo chà ron gốc epoxy, chống chịu được những tác nhân ăn mòn hóa học như: acid, kiềm, dầu, muối biển,…
- Chống thấm tuyệt đối
- Có độ bền vật lý cao vượt trội, chịu mài mòn và va đập rất tốt.
- Không bám bẩn, dễ dàng lau chùi
- Sản xuất tại Singapore theo tiêu chuẩn của Đức.
Ardex EG 15 chống chịu được hầu hết các loại hóa chất trong các ngành công nghiệp sản xuất và dân dụng như:
- ACIDIC (Axit): Sulphuric acid (20%); Nitric acid (20%); Hydrocholoric acid (30%); Formic acid (7%); Acetic acid (10%); Phosphoric acid (50%); Tartaric acid (50%); Citric acid (50%); Lactic acid (10%)
- ALKALINE (Kiềm): Sodium Hydroxide (20%); Ammonia concentrated; Hydrogen Peroxide (6%); Aluminium Sulphate (40%); Ammonium Chloride (20%)
- SOLVENTS (Dung môi): Diesel oil; Unleaded Petrol; Ethanol; White spirits; Xylene; 1,1,1 Trichloroethane; Mineral Turpentine
- MISCELLANEOUS (Hỗn hợp khác): Bleach; Pool Chlorine; Water (distilled, mineral, sea); Milk; Wine; Fruit Ju
- Basement, Garage and storage
- Kitchen
- Toilet
- Balconies, loggias, atrium

HALOCONS cung cấp các dịch vụ về Thiết kế - Xây dựng như:
- Xây dựng trọn gói
- Tư vấn - Thiết kế - Xây dựng trọn gói
- Thi công và cung cấp vật liệu trang trí nội - ngoại thất trọn gói
- Thi công lắp đặt hoàn thiện
- Elevator and Lift lobby
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Toilet

Keo dán đá ốp tường LATAPOXY 310 Stone Adhesive
Đóng gói 10kg.bộ, 1 bộ ốp được 20m2-25m2 đá với độ dày 3mm và độ phủ 10% diện tích viên đá.
- Kitchen
- Toilet
- Residential Buildings
- Commercial Buildings

SOUPLETHANE WP resin BISPHENOL A free is resistant to concentrated solutions (cleaning) and guarantees the waterproofing of the structure even in case of concrete cracking.
ACS-approved (Certificate of Sanitary Conformity) No development of bacteria in contact with the coating. Resistant to concentrated chlorine solutions (cleaning). Applicable under immersion.
- Kitchen
- Toilet
- Rooftop

Valbio VALGO
VALBIO is a French engineering company, founded in 2006, operating in the field of environmental services.
VALBIO has delivered and operated more than a hundred wastewater treatment plants, among them by anaerobic digestion in the food industry
- Kitchen
- Pool and water feature
- Commercial Buildings
- Industrial Buildings

Fukuvi Vietnam is a plastic extrusion manufacturer of construction materials (shadow lines, corner beads, access door, skirting, rustication strip,...) and industrial products. Our head quarter (Fukuvi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) is one of the largest manufacturer supplying construction materials in Japan.
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Residential Buildings
- Commercial Buildings

Tuan Hung is the distributor of filters from the big brands such as Cleansui.
- Kitchen
- Residential Buildings
- Commercial Buildings

Ly Bao Minh Horeca Supplies is one of the pioneers in Vietnam in the field of supplying INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY SYSTEMS. We are putting effort on upgrading our business with a completed service loop: CONSULTATION – DESIGN – SUPPLY – INSTALLATION – WARRANTY – MAINTENANCE in order to affirm our brand in the market and meet clients’ standards.
- Kitchen
- Commercial Buildings
- Industrial Buildings

Ha Yen Corporation is proud to be Vietnam’s leading enterprise in manufacturing and supplying industrial kitchen and laundry equipment
- Kitchen
- Commercial Buildings
- Industrial Buildings

THAIXIN laminate flooring are manufactured in Thailand by corporations Vanachai. The same quality and specifications as wooden floors Vanachai. Parquet Thaixin use HDF core from hardwoods harvested from plantations in Thailand, timber resources are choosing to specialize in types of water-resistant HDF.
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Kitchen

Monitor Anna is supplier ofl blinds product, a well-known brand is the leading construction companies across the country use the information.
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Office, Working place

Hunter Douglas is the world's leading group in the field of window blinds, window curtains and architectural products, specializing in providing total solutions for acoustical ceiling panels, screens monitors and some other products.
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Entertainment